Guide to download Cydia for iOS 14

Want to download Cydia for iOS 14? It seems we are no far from jailbreak iOS 14 for Checkra1n already prided evidence that they can go through and even download Cydia in it. Checkra1n is a familiar tool and that we used for devices with iOS 13. However, for it was just evidence and that cannot use as public users, we have to patiently count days for the release of their next jailbreak. There were Dany Lisiansky and Sam Bingner with their evidence accordingly.  On both, we could confirm that Cydia Package manager works on iOS 14 running iPhone X. Here is a further about the clarification.

cydia ios 14

Cydia for iOS 14 using Checkra1n jailbreak

Those who went through Checkra1n know everything about the tool from A to Z. It is the tool and that developed using an exploit called checkm8. Because it is a hardware-based technique, devices with A5 to A11 can expand even the version will continually enhance its security features. For the same reason, it seems the team could skip the line and arrive at iOS 14 beta 1 as well. It a great occasion for reports said that the 14th iPhone OS going to offer an advanced security arrangement than ever to fix the previous 13th chapter’s errors.

Release date of Cydia for iOS 14

Since it is just the initial version of iOS 14, we cannot say how the story will write by jailbreakers. As the initial release too takes a few further weeks than previous years, the final release too will draw far. And even we have to remain until Apple confirms the major public version for jailbreakers to confirm if they are capable to offer a tool to the public. For the most part, Checkra1n will be there even after the major version of iOS 14 will decide.

Wrapping up

iOS 14 is the next enormous chapter of the iPhone operating system that we will be able to welcome within a couple of months. Features are there that being prepared to offer with the major version at the end of the beta array. The compatible device range will be the same as the prior Chekcra1n. If you worry about iPhone 12 for it is the next iDevice to the device list, stay calm for there will be a way to escape it too. Until then, be with current jailbreak tools and enjoy Cydia.